This is recommended for those who uses a lot of Data! The new au Flat Plan!!!
Together with call and data for 5500 yen only per month~[20GB]
※Apply together with 「au Flat Plan (Super Kakeho)」「Daredemo Wari」「au Smart Value」
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And there's more! 『Big News Campaign!』 Starting from the next month since application up to 1 year, the monthly user charge will be 4500yen~ only (20GB)
※The usage fee is the whole amount of au Flat Plan(Basic fee+Data flat rate)+ LTE NET
※The Monthly Discount is not applicable.
◎ The New contract and Model Change together with a purchase of iPhone will not be applicable for the big news campaign.
◎ 【Big News Campaign】
Reception period: July 14, 2017 - December 31, 2017
Conditions: If applying for "au Pitat plan" or "au flat plan" together with a New Contract or Change of Model:
○ There will be charges for Separate call / communication fee, other option fee, universal service fee, etc.
○ Please check for the additional separate fees at the shop
○ All the amount notations are tax-excluded.