Liam Ikegami? Age: 12 months Location: Saitama-shi Please send us your baby’s photon we would feature your baby at JAPINO & PINAYS in JAPAN’S Cute Baby of...
Rou Murayama ? Age: 8 months Location: Hiroshima-shi Gender: Baby male Baby’s good Qualities: Sweet and hugable Baby’s favorite food: Love Potato? and Banana? Please send...
Miyuki Asano ? Age: 3 years old and 6 months Location: Aichi-ken, Nagoya-shi Gender: Baby female Baby’s good Qualities: Respect & resilience Baby’s favorite food: Love...
Alyzza Khylie D. David ? Age: 2 years old and 6 months Location: Saitama-ken, Asaka-shi Gender: Baby female Baby’s favorite food: loves tofu and Ichigo...
Xhiamara Shayne Lorica ? Age: 1 year & months Location: Gifu-ken Gender: Baby female Baby’s qualities: Cheerful Baby’s favorite food: loves Broccoli & orange...