Special Permit for Kids of Foreigners without Visa

At a press conference, Minister of Justice Saito indicated his intention to grant “special permission to stay” to foreign children born and raised in Japan without resident status if certain conditions are met, such as the parents having no serious criminal record in Japan.
In his remarks, Justice Minister Saito said, “Children born and raised in Japan without status of residence are forced to live in inconvenient conditions for which they are not responsible, and we have been seriously considering ways to help them. “From now on, I hope that they will be able to live in Japan in peace and realize their dreams, ” he said.
He then indicated that he would grant “special permission for residence” to the parents and children and allow them to stay in Japan if certain conditions are met, such as: the children are between elementary and high school age and wish to continue living in Japan; and the parents have no serious criminal record in Japan, including illegal immigration or drug use.
According to the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Agency, there are approximately 200 children under the age of 18 without residence status in Japan, and it is expected that 70 to 80% of them will be granted “special permission for residence”.