
Caution Advised as Heavy Snowfall Continues in Mountainous Regions Across Japan

A winter pressure pattern around Japan has brought heavy snow to mountainous areas in the northern and eastern parts of the country. Caution is advised against traffic disruption, as well as icy roads.

Weather officials say heavy snow fell from Thursday through Saturday, mainly in mountainous regions from Hokkaido to Kyushu. Some flatland areas, such as the cities of Nagoya and Kochi, have also seen snow accumulation.

Periods of snowy weather since December 17 have caused snow to accumulate more than three times the level of an average year in some areas.

As of 11 a.m. Sunday, 1.17 meters of snow on the ground was recorded in Engaru Town in Hokkaido, 96 centimeters in Oguni Town in Yamagata Prefecture, and 65 centimeters in Gujo City in Gifu Prefecture.

The current spell of heavy snow has peaked, but the winter pressure pattern continues. It is expected to bring intermittent heavy snow to mountainous areas.

A series of deaths in snow-related accidents have been reported this winter in Japan. Caution is advised against snow sliding off rooftops as well as accidents involving people trying to remove snow.

People are urged to wear safety belts when going onto rooftops and not to work alone. They also need to exercise caution against icicles and snow that can fall from eaves.

Officials are calling for caution against possible avalanches in areas with a high accumulation of snow.

The government says that as of Sunday morning, 14 people have died and dozens of others were injured from the snow since December 17.

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