Gifu Intercompany Basketball League Opening Day March 11, 2018 G&B Yaotsu Gym, Kani, GIfu The Gifu Intercompany Basketball League’s (GIBL) annual event...
The Japan Meteorological Agency announced on March 24 that the cherryblossom trees in Tokyo were in full bloom. Because of this the...
J O B 1 Torque converter factory (car parts) Salary: ¥1,400 / hr (1 to 3 hrs OT a day) Location: Mie-ken,...
Every time a new smartphone model releases, we are fascinated by how ideal the device is. We don’t even think how important it is really to...
“Hay fever” (seasonal allergic rhinitis) is most common in early spring,which is bad news for hay fever sufferers. The symptoms of hay...
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