
Earthquake intensity of 5 hits Ota City, Shimane Prefecture

There was an earthquake with epicenter in the western part of Shimane prefecture around 1:32 am on 9th, strong intensity of 5 in Ota City, Shimane Prefecture. There is no worry about the tsunami caused by this earthquake. It is estimated that the depth of the epicenter is about 10 kilometers and the magnitude showing the magnitude of the earthquake is 5.8.
The seismic intensity of each place is observed in intensity of 5 in Ota City, intensity of 5 in Izumo city in Shimane prefecture, Yunnan city etc. We are observing seismic intensity 4 in Yonago city and Sakaiminato city of Tottori prefecture.
According to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, there is no abnormality in Shimane nuclear power plant in Matsue city.
According to Daejeon Fire Department headquarters, there was one report saying that he hit his head with a falling object, and that he sent one male in his 50’s to the hospital. In addition, in Ota City the torii of the shrine collapsed and the block wall of the house collapsed is damaged.
According to the Shimane Prefectural Police Department, the intersection between the Takano interchange from Mitsueya Kisuji Interchange on Matsue Expressway is closed due to the earthquake.
According to JR West, the JR Sanpaki line is to stop driving from Tazi station in Izumo City to Masuda station in Masuda City from the beginning.


Source: ANN News

Earthquake intensity of 5 hits Ota City, Shimane Prefecture
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