Heavy Rain Threatens Sea of Japan Coast, National Weather Agency Issued Flood and Landslide Warning

Japan’s Meteorological Agency says well-developed rain clouds are hovering over a wide stretch of land across the Sanin and Tokai regions. The agency is urging people there to be on the alert for landslides and floods.
It says that clouds may dump more rain on areas along the Sea of Japan coast from northern Kyushu to the Tohoku region.
The agency said it detected a band of rain clouds that developed over the Sanin region along the Sea of Japan coast.
Agency officials issued a warning “in the form of information on heavy rain inundation and landslides” for Tottori and Shimane on Wednesday morning.
Torrential rain has been pouring down on areas in the Sanin region. Rain is falling in torrents in the Tokai region as well.
Authorities are warning of landslides in the prefectures of Shimane, Tottori, Okayama, and Hyogo. They are also warning that rivers could overflow in Tottori.
A Level Five warning — the highest on the one to five scale — has been issued for nearly 2,000 people in the Hiyoshi district of Yakumo Town in Matsue City.
The warning alerts people of the need to “secure safety immediately.” It also urges residents who cannot evacuate to take steps to protect their lives.
It advises those individuals to move to a safer place in their homes, such as a high floor, or to an area away from a mountain side.
Evacuation orders have been issued for a total of about 300,000 people in the cities of Matsue, Izumo, Yasugi and Unnan in Shimane Prefecture.
Izumo City officials say flooding above the first floor level has been confirmed in two homes, and below the first floor level in seven. Firefighters say they rescued a man in his 70s by boat.
Officials in Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture, say they have received reports that the Tama River overflowed and inundated one residence with water that has risen above the first floor level.
The downpour is also affecting public transportation.
West Japan Railway company says some services have been suspended on its Sanin Main Line and its Kisuki Line.
Forecasters say that later on Wednesday clouds may dump more heavy rain on other areas along the Sea of Japan coast, from northern Kyushu to the Tohoku region.
The maximum amount of rainfall forecast for the 24 hours through noon on Thursday is 150 millimeters in the Chugoku region, 120 millimeters in northern Kyushu, 100 millimeters in Kinki and Hokuriku, 80 millimeters in Tokai, 50 millimeters in Tohoku and 40 millimeters in the Kanto-Koshin region.