
Tax evasion case against a “Love Counselor”

A 52 – year – old counselor woman in Saitama prefecture was charged with criminal charges from the Kanto Shin – Etsu Regional Taxation Bureau, saying he had evacuated without declaring income of about 100 million yen obtained in fortune telling and consultation on love affairs.

Kumiko Ochiai , is suspected that she did not declare income of about 109 million yen in 3 years until 2015, tax evasion of about 33 million yen of income tax. According to stakeholders, Ms. Ochiai did not declare income earned by fortune telling and consultation such as romantic love etc by telephone or e-mail or selling the power stone on his own website. It means that the tax evacuated was deposited in a bank account or devoted to construction funds at home. Ms. Ochiai in the interview of ANN said that she completed the tax return and tax return, and commented, “I will correct my mistakes so that there will not be anything like this in the future”.

Source: ANN News

Tax evasion case against a “Love Counselor”
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