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Japan, Osaka – In another move to clean up the sport, sumo wrestlers, even superstitious ones, must shave off their beards before entering the dohyo, the Japan Sumo Association (JSA) said.
“We want you to be neat and tidy for the spectators as you climb up to the grand stage,” Oguruma, the JSA director and former ozeki known as Kotokaze, told a meeting of wrestlers here on Feb. 26.
The sumo “dress code” currently states, “Sumo wrestlers must keep their bodies clean.”
But under the JSA’s new rules, 5 o’clock shadows, as well as long nails and tattoos, will be prohibited.
Oguruma pointed out that some sekitori wrestlers in the highest makuuchi and second-highest juryo divisions have had stubble on their faces during bouts and “looked messy.”
Some superstitious wrestlers who notch a string of victories believe that if they shave off their facial hair, their winning streaks will end.
Source and full English article: The Asahi Shimbun
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