Sept. 12th to 13th (Sat & Sun) GIFU
【au Shop Hashima Higashi】Limited Promotion A maximum ¥474,000 Cash Back for every purchased of iPhone6/6Plus set!! ★ Lower monthly bill plan are also available for a ¥0 device payment.
★Cash Back for other model not only iPhone are also available!!
Free Seafood Cup Noodle (74g) for all who visit our store! Plus a chance to win USJ Pair Ticket on a raffle for all who signed a contract to us!!! Reservation for the new iPhone Model(iPhone 6s/6s Plus) was also started!!! ★
<Sept. 12 to 13>
Two days limited promotion event at Gifu Prefecture au Shop Hashima Higashi will be conducted !
① Tagalog translation support will be given for all customers who want to create a new plan or wanted to transfer to au from other carrier.
② A maximum ¥474,000 cash back will be given for those who will transfer to au from other carrier.
● ¥95,000 Cash Back in cash for every purchased of one set of iPhone6/6 Plus!
● For Xperia Z4 GalaxyS6edge model purchase, cash back amount will be announced on the store outlet. It is expected as a highest amount on Toukai Region!!!
※ The amount will be based on the subscription on the option plan offer by the this outlet store like purchasing multiple device for family members used, or in case you have a device to trade in.
–> In case of single plan –> &10,000 discount
–> In case no other device to trade in –> ¥10,000 discount
③ In case a WiFi Router set plan will be avail, a maximum of ¥30,000 cash back will be added more. Moreover, a maximum of ¥1,522 will be deducted on the monthly bill for each router device!!
In case a contract plan was done at the same time for a transfer of iPhone6/6 Plus from other carrier, and Wifi Router, a maximum of ¥125,000 cash back will be given in cash!!!
④ For iPad set plan, a maximum of ¥10,000 cash back will be added and given in cash.
In case a contract plan was done at the same time for a transfer of iPhone6/6 Plus from other carrier, and Wifi Router, a maximum of ¥125,000 cash back will be given in cash!!!
⑤ A maximum of ¥3,000 cash back will be added and given in cash for every purchase of Beats products.
⑥ For Family Plan, a commission fee of ¥3,000 cash back will be given and charge to your WALLET Card.
★★★We will be giving CASH BACK amount which is the highest in Toukai Region★★★
★★If ¥0 Device Charge Plan will be chosen, you can use iPhone 6 for just ¥3,521 monthly charge!!★★
Moreover, we will be giving Master Card branded auWALLET limited for ay users only!
No screening… No annual membership fee…! You can use internet and you can use it also outside Japan! Also, during event, we will be giving Seafood Cup Noodle for all who will visit au Shop Hashima Higashi outlet store.
For our raffle promo, you have a chance to win Beats Speaker, and many other fabulous prizes are waiting for you!!!
★★★Reservation for the new iPhone Model (iPhone 6s/6s Plus) was also Started!!★★★
Staff who can speak Tagalog are also ready to serve you, so please visit our store with your friends and families!!!
〒501-6232 岐阜県羽島市 竹鼻町狐穴字円福417−1
Tel: 058-394-6070

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