September 12th & 13th (Sat/Sun) TOYOHASHI
Big Deal Promo! ~¥80,000 cash back
1 English and Tagalog interpreter available.
2 Receive your cash back on the spot if you transfer to au from others companies
【The most recommended!】
Maximum cash back of ¥50,000 for 1 iPhone6
If subscribe in the paid option there will be added ¥30,000 , total cash back of 80.000 yen.
【more deals for family subscriptions!】
☆ For more than 2 units of iPhone6 under the same name holder or 1 unit in the name of family subscribed in family discount plan, Cash back of ¥60,000 for each
If subscribe in the paid option will be added ¥30,000.
☆for each 1 iPad Cash back of ¥10,000
Monthly ¥2,952 ~ including down payment(~with smartphone set)
☆for each rooter Cash back of ¥10,000
Main body price lump 0 yen(up to maximum 9GB available)
☆For each 1 child cellphone Cash back of ¥10,000
If you make contract more with more than 2 persons in family
☆Breakdown of cash back Note
60,000 yen ×2 30000 yen×2 10000 yen×3
Cash back of ¥210,000
【Event benefits】
◆Present for every visitor to the shop, choice of Seafood Noodle or Chocolate Sweets
◆We prepare on the date, the taxi-fee for you when visit the shop from the JR Futagawa station to the Toyohashi Futagawa Shop. The taxi-fee should be paid by the client first, then if you conclude the new contracts with our shop, we will give for each one a present of ¥1,000 International prepaid card (KDDI Super World Card) that can make an International telephone call to Philippine.
◆Exclusive benefits for women!with Likes to this shop on Facebook, present of 1 Face Pack.
【Considerations and required documents in the occasion of contract】
※Please visit our shop after issuing the MNP reservation number at the telephone company that is currently in use (such as docomo or Softbank or others).
※Required documents in case the holder person has the period of stay as: [Permanent Resident]
Japanese Driving License and Cash Card or Bank Account Book +Passbook Stamp or Credit Card
Foreign issued passport + Zairyu Card and Cash Card or Bank Account Book +Passbook Stamp or Credit Card
※Required documents in case the holder person has the period of stay [are still remaining for more than 2 years]
Japanese Driving License and Credit Card
Foreign issued passport + Zairyu Card and Credit Card
※For the person with less than 2 years of the period of stay (less than November 2017), will not be possible to get the cash back, but you should buy the main body all at once and will get the discount on the price instead. Following required documents.
Japanese Driving License and Cash Card or Bank Account Book +Passbook Stamp or Credit Card
Foreign issued passport + Zairyu Card and Cash Card or Bank Account Book +Passbook Stamp or Credit Card
For more information, please visit our shop,We will be waiting!
- au Shop Toyohashi Futagawa
- 441-3145, Aichi-ken Toyohashi-shi Oiwa-cho Kitamoto Yashiki 59-2
- Tel: 0532-43-0900
- Business hours: 10:00~20:00(final acceptance: 19:00)