★ = = = SPECIAL BIG EVENT !!! = = = ★
〜 IPhone 7 / iPhone 7 Plus 〜
Galaxy S 6 edge / Xperia Xperformance
▶︎ AU Shop Akasaka ◀︎
12/10 (SAT) – 12/11 (SUN)
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
LIMITED STOCK with huge reduction price!
iPhone 7 / iPhone 7 Plus
Galaxy S 6 edge / Xperia Xperformance
[NOTE 1]
We assigned an English and Chinese interpreter in our shop for those who are incapable to communicate in Nihongo. The shop is also open for other mobile consultations.
[NOTE 2]
For transfers from other tele companies:
◆ iPhone 7 / iPhone 7Plus
Furthermore, we are giving a glass film exclusive for iPhone 7!
◆ Galaxy S 6 edge / Xperia Xperformance
Even HUGE reduction!
★ The shop will pay for the cancellation penalties from other tele companies. ★
More convenient with AU SMASH!
◆ WiFi router & tablet – SET PURCHASE for Special price!
[NOTE 3]
◆ Model change – up to ¥10,000 reduction!
※ Feel free to contact and visit us for other plans and contracts.
[NOTE 4]
◆ For cheaper SMARTPHONE billing, transfer now to AU Wi-Fi!
May discount up to
¥1,008 ~ ¥2160 /smartphone
[NOTE 5]
Transfer from other tele companies = ¥5,000 JCB gift certificate!
※ iPhone 7 / iPhone 7 Plus also applies! (IPhone 7 32G excluded.)
I. For Permanent Residents
1 Mode of payment – full payment or installment is applicable
2 For contracts、「Driver’s License」or「Residence Card and Health Insurance (HOKEN) 」or「residence card and valid passport」is needed.
3 To settle your monthly payment you must have your 「OWN Credit Card」 or 「Bank Cash Card」or「Bank Passbook and HANGKO」.
4 To change the current unit to a new model, the current unit must have at least 6 months paid contract.
5 Please bring the latest electricity monthly bill.
II. For Non-Permanent Residents
1 Residence Card should be valid at least 90 days from the day of subscription、Can avail new contract and MNP transfer.
2 The user must have at least 14 months visa from the day of subscription may avail new models with 12 months/1 year monthly installment contract. For those with at least 26 months remaining visa from the day of subscription may avail new models with 24 months/2 years monthly installment contract.
3 User can only purchase a new model by using his/her own credit card.
4 For those who wants to pay in FULL PAYMENT, you can pay through credit card or debit.
5 For contracts、「Driver’s License」or「Residence Card and Health Insurance (HOKEN) 」or「residence card and valid passport」is needed.。
6 To change the current unit to a new model, the current unit must have at least 6 months paid contract.
7 Please bring the latest electricity monthly bill.
・In advance, please request for “MNP Reservation Number” from your present cellphone company (SoftBank, DoCoMo) before subscribing with us.
・Customers who are eager to create transactions with us, transfers from other tele companies such as SoftBank and DoCoMo switching to AU, we guarantee our clients to offer a reasonable, orderly and efficient service throughout the transaction. For iPhone users, make sure to back-up your data accounts in iTunes or iCloud to prevent important data and files from being deleted and obliterated during the transfer process. Please consider the shop’s policies and procedures.
Date and time: Saturday, December 10 – 11 (Sunday) 2 days
Au shop Akasaka
TEL: 03-5570-0063
Nearest station: Chiyoda line “Akasaka” station exit 1 (1 min. Walk)
Ginza Line · Marunouchi Line “Akasaka Mitsuke” Station
Address: 〒107-0052
Tōkyōtominatokuakasaka 5 – 1 – 5 Kan’no Biru 1F
Business hours: 10: 00-20: 00
*Please visit us until 18:00
[wpme-gmap address=”東京都港区赤坂5-1-5″ height=”300px” width=”100%” zoom=”18″]
au赤坂店铺赤坂 BIG EVENT!!
Galaxy S6 edge/Xperia Xperformance
iPhone7/iPhone7 Plus 您要便宜购入吗?
Galaxy S6 edge/ Xperia Xperformance 库存有限!最后大优惠!!!
◆Galaxy S6 edge/Xperia Xperformance
※iPhone7/iPhone7 Plus也可!! (iPhone7 32G除外。)
① 手机的购买方法可以选择一次性支付或者分期付款。
② 契约时,需要“驾照”或者“在留卡和健康保险证”或者“在留卡和有效期限内的护照”
③ 每月支付料金的设定,需要“本人名义的信用卡”或者“银行卡”或者“银行存折和印章”。
④ 如分期付款,只限于现在所持有的手机,使用期限超过6个月以上。
⑤ 如果家里有电费的查表票,请一并带来。
① 从活动当天算起,如在留期限超过90天以上的话,可以申请新规,MNP(从其他公司转到au)
② 手机的购买方法,从活动当天算起,如在留期限超过14个月的话可以分12回;如在留期限超过26个月的话可以分24回或12回。
③ 选择分期付款时,需要本人名义的信用卡。请携带信用卡。
④ 如选择一次性支付,每月的料金支付,可以选择银行卡扣除或者本人名义的信用卡。
⑤ 契约时需要“驾照”或者“在留卡和健康保险”或者“在留卡和有效期限内的护照”
⑥ 如分期付款,只限于现在所持有的手机,使用期限超过6个月以上。
⑦ 如果家里有1月份之后发行的电费的查表票,请一并带来。
◉ 活动期间 ◉
车站:千代田線「赤坂」站 1番出口走路1分钟
地址:〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂5-1-5 管野ビル1F